Finland recruits all adult males into national military service lasting 180-365 days. After completing service conscripts join the reserve and this arrangement makes the hypothetical war time strength of the Finnish Defence Forces 280 000 soldiers. If we were to join NATO, which I don’t think we should. We must make the national military service an optional choice. Mandatory service in a NATO country is a horrible idea. It would drive young conscripts to pursue military careers in NATO operations, most of which have disastrous.

Why not join NATO? Because NATO has not changed. Every reason ever spoken against joining is still valid. What has changed is how the Russian state behaves. But this does not make NATO any different, it’s the same world-policing military alliance it was designed to be when conceived. It’s acceptive to dictators, conservative extremist pushing against democratic development and succumbing to the imperial desires of the the United States. It is a post-modern crusade, which our right wing political leaders and generals, are eager to partake in as it would be beneficial for establish ties with the west. The west they desire to join is an unmanned drone craft floating above, observing and punishing.

If Finland joins it, I will actively campaign against mandatory national military service. We will have to change our constitution – Perhaps dismantle our “defence force” all together. By the looks of it, in NATO we wouldn’t need military forces at all. We’d have nuclear weapons at arms reach, which seems to be the only asset that counts. I’m a corporal in the marines (in a unit which no longer exists), it won’t make much difference but if we join I’ll resign from the reserve.


I finally assembled the Arradio revision I’ve been working on for a month. Its a great piece of gear and the revision adds a lot to the original. The reception using a SMA connector and telescope antenna is way better than with the RCA connector that the original used, the latch toggle works as expected and the tuning is very accurate. The module is skiff friendly and 4hp wide (2hp smaller then the original). I named the revision “Radio Kid” so that if the design has problems it will not be mixed with the original Arradio. I’ve had very positive exchange with the designer of the original and I hope they will approve of my revision.

It took while for the PCB to arrive and I had made mistakes which took some figuring out (pot-reversed, missing 100k transistor). I will rework the PCB design to fit some components better. The U.FL-R-SMT(10) connector is in the way of the RCA connector, which isn’t a problem if only the SMA/antenna is used but it is an easy fix. The panel holes need to be moved a millimetre to the left because the bottom-pcb solder-points are too close to the edge of the unit. The optional RCA connector space is too tight and I want to design a narrow (2hp) panel (also in 1u) which can be used as an alternative mount the antenna, so that it wont be in the way.

I’m really happy that the panel design works as well as it does. The SMA mount hole was made by milling a C shape that can be snapped off to fit the connector. I placed credits to Arradio (and Befaker) on PCB as silkscreen. For the next revision I will make silkscreen drawing of a kids hand toggling a radio tuner in the back of the PCBs. I credited the revision design to Ore.e Refineries.


Visited the Tuulensuun lähteikkö [Windmouth Spring Opening] in Vantaa (N=6685977.209, E=386036.606). It flows to Krakanoja (ditch) and further to Vantaan river and is featured in Vantaan virtavesiselvitys [Vantaa Current Flow] (2010) Aki Janatuinen. It’s the same site which Tea visited to collect water for the artwork they presented at the Huokoinen ele exhibition in Artsi. The spring opening is located at the east bank of the Krakantie living area, in a small forest behind a Lidl, a highway and apartment buildings. A very urban site. I accessed the water via an abandoned well and accidental dropped some soil to the spring while prying the lid, so the taste was a bit muddy. A rough translation from the document offers details of the site.

The spring opening is an 1x1m open pool, surrounded by a 5x5m mossy & wet swampy patch. The water in the pool is clear and around it you will find ten separate spring vortexes which move the sand on the spring base. The water was 7,1°C degrees even when the temperature outdoors was 20°C. This spring opening is the finest and most valuable site discovered during the survey and unlike other sites which were observed, the water is clear. Northeast of it, there is a well (constructed on top of a spring) and the water from these sites forms a very valuable nature site (also including a separate small wet patch to the east). The entire area might include rare plants and insects, which are specific to the spring habitat. The spring is “natural”. Northeast of it is a “sister-spring” which has been made into a well. The well might be threatened by construction as the area is designated for apartments. Building initiatives could have an impact on the “natural” spring opening and the Krakenoja area which depends on their flow.

Beyond the Flesh and the Real (2020) Morgan. A cyberpunk-transsexual celebration of vocoders as an emancipatory technology. Spotted the article via the sacred cyborg harmony script release thread on llllllll.

We reshape our flesh at will – at least, within the limits of our position within racial capitalism and our ability to navigate Byzantine healthcare systems set up to murder us – and in this way we are the most obvious manifestation of modernity, or so the argument goes. As Preciado has more than amply demonstrated in Testo Junkie, cis people chemically and surgically alter their genders just as much as trans people do, but of course their participation in the pharmacopornographic regime doesn’t attract the same fascination and revulsion.


The difference between performance art and live-art is class. Live-art is favoured by artists from or aspiring to middle-classes and performance art is for the poor. Performance art is customer service, job hunting, busking and haggling. Live-art is choreography, dialogue and contracts.

I’m still scorned by COVID period setbacks, the impact of restrictions and control measures. Trying to read but I can’t do much work. The peak of the pandemic toggled my sense of agency and Russia’s attack to Ukraine is continuing the same. I feel irrelevant and detached.

Still awaiting a pcb shipment for the Arradio revision.

Clap in many synths Ive listened to is not a clap it is a tap as from the dance. I think many of my favourite claps would be better defined as taps. They have a woody element and a double tap is often used for emitting a sense of space. Doing double taps is easier then double claps.

Personal Decamerone (2022)

Originally published on No Niin magazine in April 2022 issue 10. Edited by Elham Rahmati.

I think it’s brave and curiously decadent to work with sex; I mean, working with sex in any form, as a creative theme or performing sexual acts. I’ve never felt comfortable exploring my sexuality, and I think I need to engage in this aspect of my creative life. I’m worn, strained and feel a need to revitalise myself. What I’m doing here is an attempt to come to terms with my curiosity. But I might be overdoing it. Instead of working with my issues, I’m jumping in headfirst and committing a public sex act to get over it. We all have to start somewhere, right?

When I began thinking seriously about sex, reading and writing about it, I started imagining myself as a sex worker. This helped me establish a professional distance from the topic and made my engagement with it less personal. I might have a hard time exploring my body and how it feels, but I know how to work. So, approaching sex and sexual expressions as a project made it feel less intimidating. I’m confronted with the realisation that I don’t think I know any sex workers. At least no one has confessed this to me; perhaps they fear I’d judge or misunderstand them. I don’t think I would. I’d have a harder time coming to terms with a friend admitting they were paying for sex than learning that someone was doing it for a fee. It turns out I’m a prude. I’ve fostered a belief that money taints sex, which belongs to a private domain.

What I’m exploring here as sex work also includes novelists who write about it and others who have sex without pleasing. I’m inspired by artworks and performances that deal with sex or are arousing to the extent that I’m left asking: “Did I just see a striptease act, or is there something wrong with me?”.

These are my angles on sex as work. Well, honestly, these and online porn. I haven’t paid for any of the porn I’ve consumed. I guess this makes my relationship with the performers less professional. My taste in online porn is polarised. I like over-the-top performances that feel unreal and show unrealistically fit bodies. This establishes a distance, which helps me feel less ashamed of my gaze. I guess a lot of online porn works this way. The categories sites use for organising their content give a bigger rush than the videos they link to.

60fps, amateur, babe, babysitter, behind the scenes, brown-in-pink with vertical rotation, casting, clean, double penetration, euro, exclusive, fingering, liquid on porous, pink-on-pink, public, red-grey-opaque, rotating up with veils under limbs, shaking soft with mass, squirt, toys, untitled 2#

I’m scared of sex; categories appeal to me because they help constrain it. The craft of controlling a body at will and the will to control another body is frightening. Imagining this power makes me view people as tactical flesh machines, as mechas or robots, operated by desires. I fear I would be easily exploited.

Is it vain to work on a sex project as pandemics and wars are crippling the world? Perhaps. But in all honesty, this is the best response I have come up with. I’m working as an artist, performing a public act and even getting a grant for it. It’s a COVID-19 art grant intended to help creatives pass the social distancing related to businesses and government agency shutdowns. The grant is for relieving economic stress.

Emerging as a sex-artisan

Beautiful agony, a little death. Powerful names for an orgasm. One is the name of an online sex community. Beautifulagony.com has been up and running since 2004. I’ve followed it occasionally over the years. Contributors share videos showing only a tightly framed image of their face while having an orgasm. Simple, stylish, and elegant. Confusing too, a community for sharing the faces of enjoyment, for the enjoyment of others. There is a small fee involved for the contributors, but the biggest payoff seems to be that contributors gain full access to the archive and become part of the community. It feels innocent, but the website’s forum is banal on a closer look. Performers are referred to by their submission number and discussed as flesh.

“Ms. 4161. So nice to see her again. Her orgasms are so natural and unaffected that I have to smile when I see them. I particularly loved the contributions she made with her partner.”
“I agree. The Friends’ contributions are some of the best on the site.”
“All their videos are excellent, and I hope she contributes more with or without 4160”
“In her confession video, she explains her synchronous masturbation technique.”
“I love watching clips with men, and it turns me on. Sometimes I jerk off and try to orgasm simultaneously with the man in the clip. If it works, then it is great and very relaxing.”

There are sample videos available for free, and I was drawn to them because the people in them look sincere. The way they are shot leaves a lot to the imagination. They only show a happy face moving in syncopated rhythm, unintentional utterances, and audible skin friction. In the grant application, I wrote that I would make a contribution to the site as a way to explore the changes we experience in intimacy due to COVID countermeasures.

At first, Emmi was curious. When I presented this idea, her immediate reaction was that it was fun, but then it dawned on her that the production of the work would take hold of our lives. We’ve been together for almost twenty years. Keeping work and family life separate has been challenging. When I get a project going, it engulfs our home. I use our living room and closets for storing art gear and talking about what I do nonstop. She feared that she might have to start sleeping in the living room when I would be working.

She asked, “On which dates do you need to keep the camera rig in our bedroom?” I promised I’d shoot the video in a hotel. But there wasn’t time for it that summer. I took a temporary job working as a gardener. It was a hard job, and I lost my appetite for art, sex, and life. I grew bitter and spent the free time I had sulking.

Later, during the fall, she reminded me that I should complete the project, and sometimes after sex, she would make a joke about filming the highlights. I think the sex part of the work made her feel a bit proud of me. I haven’t been shy about sharing details of this project with friends and colleagues. But they don’t ask about it either. As it stands, my solo sex performance is putting Emmi and the kids in an odd position. Weirdly, the sexual act I’m planning will be more relevant, more understood, and discussed by strangers than my friends and colleagues. Having an orgasm publicly makes me lonely.

When preparing for the shoot, I read the Beautiful Agony website submission guidelines and the release form they wanted me to fill out. There are a lot of technical demands on video quality. They recommend that I use “natural light” and have specifications for the audio quality. The demands feel vague and rigid simultaneously, like an open call for a student film festival. Suddenly, making the video starts to feel like work. They want me to submit two recordings shot in two different locations. This is so that they can select the performance that fits their brand best. They also want me to include a 15-minute “Confession” interview, a monologue in which I share a depiction of my first orgasm and notes on my sexual desires. I’m not feeling many things right now. Anxiety over precarious work conditions hardly counts as a sexual desire.

The confessions segment feels like a mandatory artist interview that an art festival might expect an artist to provide. Something organisers assume the funders of the event want to hear: A juicy display of complete submission. I think I’m not paid enough to offer one, and I doubt anyone cares about my sex life.

The confession videos are only available to members of the community. So I can’t see how other contributors are responding to the demands, but judging from the thumbnails, people look fresh and as if they have stories to share. I’m pressured to make something up. While reading the guidelines, I started to think about the easiest ways of executing the work, just like I would plan for a regular work commission. This stress, bundled with figuring out the logistics for the sex act, made the entire project feel frustrating. Doing sex as a performance is boring because, while the actual sex can be exciting, there are a lot of office tasks.

We went past the second peak of the pandemic, and I ended up working in logistics for Posti. Later, I went for a job at a food courier company and was offered a position working as a shopping centre security guard. I was saved from these by a small commission. Emmi started expecting our third child; I got vaccinated three times and scavenged a small grant for a different project. Life moved on, and masturbating for strangers felt like a vain thing. Eventually, I postponed the project for two years, and it lost its urgency for me.

Two years later, together alone

The archivists of the Beautiful Agony site forums seem very committed and ready to scrutinise the quality of my submission, from the tone of my voice to the blush on my cheeks. Will they like me? They will refer to me as a number, and if they do, I hope I get a good one. A series of odd numbers would feel like a good luck charm. The value of life, our capability for empathy, and our rationality are assessed using numbers. The numbers display statistics of the virus’ spread and the death tolls. The pandemic and the culture that statistics feed into are turning us into cyborgs. We are connected through data, and I hope for a high number of views.

Kaino told me that they had read somewhere that there hadn’t been as much poetry or artistic depictions of “the plague” as historians expected. People were busy surviving, we reasoned. I imagine a lot of “plague art” was made while the disease reigned in Europe, but after the disease had its way, the artworks lost their context and were neglected. Poetic depictions of the colours of boils don’t make much sense to people who can’t read the progress of infection from them. Masturbatory Covid-art falls into this category too. It only makes sense when nothing else does.

I hope you are feeling relaxed and relieved. I have a shoot to prepare. Thank you for this moment. I feel like I’m ready for work now. I’m not passionate about what I have to do, but I feel more equipped to handle it. I hope you are too. Bye.