ME AND MINE – An insight into the relationships between people and entities in Diadema, Brazil (2018) report / documentary is now complete! We looked it over today with Eleonoora and celebrated with beers. It took two months to complete and the film will be premiered in Portugal next week.

On Bullsh*t Jobs a great talk by David Graeber. He offers a useful definition for bullshit jobs (save a click: Middle management jobs are bullshit), uncovers why our society insists that people should work and explains processes which fabricate bullshit jobs. He explains that the majority of non-bullshit-work is care work and that public services which are associated with gray-infra (buss drivers, train operators etc.) engage in care work too which is why their work should not be automated.

The Three Ecologies (1989) Félix Guattari (I’ve written a very similar text for a Neighborizome related publication/performance catalogue).

On Plastic in Time a collection of links to different resources which investigate plastic (by Geoff Manaugh).

Douglas Lain interviews Eric Wilson about his book The Republic of Cthulhu (2016). A very useful introduction to para politics. The talk prompted me to think about dark/black-infra (as defined by Eyal Weizman in Architecture of Violence) as Para Infrastructure. Wilson argues that our skills in reading horror-novels and detective stories can offer a way to survive contempary political realities. When we read the crisises of democracy as a horror story we can identify the shapes of non-rational human forces (even non-human) that work in the undercurrents of representative democracy. He also gives a solid explanation on what the spectacle society is.

Got the ALL apps damaged or incomplete issue on my Mac. Managed ti fix it following the protocol (also had to reinstall Mac OS). The process took me over five hours. A horrible ordeal for a Saturday.