Meeting with the Neighborizome working group at Lauttasaari. Brought my microGranny sampler with me. Soundscapes as intertwining rhizomes for different ideologies? Blaah… A granular sampler seems like the best tool to investigate this. Catching up on the rhrizome-thinking with Deleuze for the Desperate lectures by Dave Harris (as recommend by Leena).
Dyslexia is the biological equivalent of poststructuralist thinking – It is proof that nature can be creative. Dyslexia is an asset when you want to read a text or phenomenon rhizomatically.
- Dicktator and Tractor can read the same. They are grouped together by their length, the height of letters and the timbre of the words.
- Bourgeois can be spelled in pretty much any way (Examples: Bouswar, Bourwarg, Bosourward, Bourghraigh). The spelling process ends when the computer proofreading program quits nagging.
- Relationships to technologies are not limited by a proper (humanistic) reading or predeterminations on how the technology should work. Relationships to technologies are personal.
- The names and numbers of months don’t connect. ToDo -lists replace chronology, everything is ad hoc.
- Anything that opens a lock is a key.
- Similar structures and relations within networks can be identified without allowing binary/etc. categorizations to hinder the reading. Instead of focusing on words (nodes), a dyslexic reader focuses on context (relations). This enables them to spot similarities in categorically different fields of knowledge.
- You are constantly reminded of the oppression of the status quo. Any utterance can be called to question by bystanders, various proofreading technologies and design.
- Every time you feel you are understood by someone, you fall in love with them. Because relations are more important than words, meaningful relationships with the non-human world emerge unannounced.
- When you manage to read something and to understand it you change as a human being.
- Names are irrelevant, familiar faces and tools are recognized. Signifiers constantly re-emerge, introductions are made by announcing relations (Let me introduce you to a great colleague, whom I met in… , Try to pry it open with that shiny metal thing…)
- Each reading changes the content of the text. There is constant doubt of categories and reasoning which is validated by logic. The font and screen resolution change the message.
- Writing is fluid because it is speaking through text. Writing is an act. Every word is a prosthetic.
Got a sweet gig! We are going to form a temporary group with Leena Kela and Heini Aho. We’ll be working on a collaborative project in Helsinki for a year. The project will be called Naapurihmasto / Neighborizome. I hope the name motivates me to wrap my head around Deleuze & Guattari. Leena recommend a short video as a starter.
Quotes from Rewired – the Resurgence of Analog Sound Synthesis by Janne Vanhanen (2017).