I have a strong urge to assemble a Elektrosluch. It is a “open-source device for electromagnetic listening”. The design is by Lom audio, which seems like a very fine organization. I’d like to attempt to develop a binaural unit and to experiment listening to the electromagnetic properties of water (when it is electrified in some way) to confirm that different batches of Faux San Pelligriano have the same consistency. I attempted to make an electromagnetic microphone last night (and to listen to it with my new Lm071 preamp) but the loose 3,5mm jack picked up more noise then the coil.

I’m feeling empowered by my new electronics skills but I lack a clear focus. I’m get inspired by everything. I’m trying to keep grounded and set my bearings by listening to still & stretched: a mute tumult of memories (2017) by Heather B. Frasch. Her gig at Control last autumn set a trajectory for my current sound work. Perhaps I should take my eurorack and other loose projects to Jesse’s smithy and attempt to formalize something in relation to the Sound of Work series. There is also the possibility to develop something with Kristian (kettlebells?) or to possibly drone out at Kontula Electronic.

I skipped the Zodiak “men’s advanced dance course” this fall. I have some plans for bodybuilding and holistic kettlebell moves. Here are some inspirational videos.


Heard a good gig on Tuesday. Heather Frasch & Koen Nutters performed at a Pennies from Heaven #7 event organized by Control & Bánh Mì Verlag. Frasch used surface transducers to resonate glass & copper jars and a plywood sheet. She then suspended small objects, pinecones, dry fruit shells and pencils above the resonating surfaces. Objects hitting against metal surfaces produced  nanoscopic, near silent melodies and objects resonating on the plywood sheet produced barely auditive rhythms. She produced some very intensive techno beats and I felt a new paradigm opening for sonic exploration (we have planned something similar with Johannes and now I can set my bearings). Towards the end of the gig she placed objects that didn’t make any sound on the surface transducers and we could see them vibrate in silence. Nutters complemented the object-sound-play by playing sinetones and reading two text about how the process of hearing is physically intimate.

Found a nice project Midi thru box 1X5 and Robot voice (posted by dnny from koelse.org).

Got a got a fistbump at Frencie’s Gym after performing a reasonable squat series. Found a few videos of the place.

  • Frenchie’s Gym – Person(s) of Interest (2017) Pablo Bujosa Rodríguez (Most recent footage from the site)
  • FRENCHIE (2013) thismustbetheplace (A goodvibes street-aesthetic mini-documentary)
  • FRENCHIES GYM II (2008)Trevor Bayack (A touching short introduction to the site and a call to fight “corporate gyms”)
  • FRENCHIES GYM (2007) Trevor Bayack (Regarding gentrification and  short notes on technology)