Got a Raspi4 with 4 gigs of ram as a gift! Enabled a powerdown and powerup button by adding dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown,gpio_pin=3 to /boot/config.txt. Got fm_transmitter maintained by markondej working. The project seems to be less complicated then PiFmRds which I was using previously. Learning to add buttons, switches and sensors to the Raspi. Dreaming of adding a WH1602C-YYH-JTK# – LCD display too (I salvaged a unit in New York). Added a button using thagrol’s python script Switch button on GPIO, short press / long press. A short press starts fm_transmitter and long press terminates it. This is done using scripts lauched from python subprocess.Popen(['/home/pi/fm_transmitter/broadcast.sh'],shell=True). I haven’t found a good way to terminate a broadcast, attempts to use pkill cause the a segment of a broadcasted file to loop.

Ilkka send me an interesting link Käsittämättömät koodirivit musiikkina [Incomprehensible lines of code as music] (2014) Viznut (aka Ville-Matias Heikkilä) which introduced me to bytebeat. The text also gives a thorough introduction to Demoscene development culture. Bytebeat is a music programming method which produces rhythms and melodies in complex ways users don’t seem to completely understand. It can be used online (here are some samples for experimentation). There is a tutorial of sorts available Discovering novel computer music techniques by exploring the space of short computer programs (2011) Viznut. Also read Reaching for the blocks of the living world (2018) by the author which feels like an attempt to bridge coding (optimization) and permaculture (degrowth?). The text explores two modes for studying: analytical mode vs. intuition. Viznut argues that “The trial-and-error mode is not problematic per se, it just needs a lot of cycles”.

As a child, I used to believe in endless linear progress. There were ever higher buildings in the world, ever more TV channels, ever-faster computers and spacecraft. […] In my teens, I started to notice the dark sides. […] As a response, I started to embrace an opposite kind of esthetic and technological ideology: small is beautiful, bits are beautiful, hacks are beautiful. True progress is about deepness and compression instead of maximization and accumulation.

Viznut has also made the PC-lamerit online series (2015-2019) which I’ve been browsing last night.


Reached out to Persian Parade NYC and asked if they know of a Zoorkhaneh in the city.


Edits on the SOW: Blacksmith sample pack are progressing steadily and I’ll have all of the samples chopped by the end of the week. After this I’ll continue with mastering. EQ fixes are almost done but the dynamics of some loud machines and hammers pose a challenge. After the fixes I’ll export the samples and continue organizing them into folders and adding​ metadata. If everything goes as planned we can publish the pack by the end of the month. I plan to make a intro video for the collection at Jesses smithy.

Did some benchmarking and found a few companies and private artists offering blacksmith sounds and other industrial noises for sound designers and musicians. Some of these links have been collected by Paul Virostek who runs the Creative Field Recordings blog.

  • Freesound offers 134 sound tagged “blacksmith” for Free!
  • Bluezone Corporation offers the “Metal Impact Sound Effects” pack for 14,95€
  • Eiravein works offers the “Ilmarinen” Blacksmith sample pack for 16€
  • Echocollectivefx’s offers the “Lockdown” sample pack for 40€
  • Hart FX offers a massive “Hart of Steel” collection for 99€

Minttu also recommend a Finnish ​musician who is working with junkyard sounds called Pentti Dassum. He works under the title Umpio and he’s currently engaged in a sounds of craft and labor project related to textiles.

I regret we didn’t use more professional mics for our recordings. The tonality of our samples is suitable for projects that are flirting with lo-fi field recording aesthetics. If we’d invested in more advanced mics we could could have reached out to the professional foley artist community too. Our efforts will provide a great addition to the Freesound community.

Assisted Ilkka Wahala (a graduate from the Kankaanpää Art School) with his real/simulation shooting documentation. He had organized a shooting range, an instructor and guns from Osuva a range located in the center of Helsinki. He shot with a Scorpion Assault Rifle and a pistol. I got to shoot too but only with a training gun. It was fun and the staff was very welcoming. Relatively cheap too.

Meeting Kristian at the gym in preparation of the Kontula Electronic gig.