Started messaging with Kira O’Reilly, Lecturer MA in Ecology and Contemporary Performance (MAECP) about a meeting concerning horses.

Approached KOM-theatre about their upcoming sound events in Vuotalo. They are starting a three year venture into Vuosaari together with Klockrike-theater and the The Finnish Museum of Photography. Their joint effort is a result of the Helsinki Model (Helsinki Malli) cultural funding, which forces (or guides) established art institutions into providing creative experiences for people living in the suburbs. We met with the organizations together with Jonna Kalliomäki after the IHME festival workshops. My experience is that these kinds of institutionally run art-to-the-fringe projects fail to support the creative culture locals are already engaged in. Let’s see how I can change this.. Perhaps I could get them hire Hassan Maikal as a performer.

Also.. Had a touching meeting with the Mounted Police force of Helsinki.