Industrial Loneliness (noun)

/ in-ˈdə-strē-əl ˈləʊnlinəs /

  1. An anxiety caused by a glooming realization that one’s habitat consists of machine made objects produced in series, hence everyone is surrounded with the same objects and dealing with the same glooming realization.
  2. A designed expression of cynical individualism, enforced by weaponized precarisation, aimed to inhibit the working class from self-dentifying and organizing.
  3. A delight felt when strolling through an abandoned factory, which offers novel vistas to unknown machinery and interiors in various stages of ruins.
  4. First self-reflection of the first technological singularity.

Post-ore* (noun)

/poʊst ɔːr/

  1. Multimetal smelting and welding spillage blobs accumulated to the proximity of furnaces, pouring channels, storage units and waste disposal facilities, over the lifespan of a foundry, casting facility or smithy.
  2. Metal objects that are only worth the materials that are made from. Repurposing of such objects is “post-ore refining”, meaning the extraction of metals from wasteful objects. E.g. Gold extraction from discarded computer circuit boards or repurposing of a decorative steel things. Also unsalvable metal crafts projects, sacrificial metal brace/support used in the construction of other items.
  3. Metals which have been bonded with nonmetallic substances. Salvaging or repurposing such materials is labor intensive and deemed unwise under contemporary economical terms. Post-ore can be found in composite objects assembled from an array of materials (lesser metals, plastics, wood etc.) and hence not accepted by contemporary scrapyard entrepreneurs: “Nah.. We’re not a dump, that thing is only good for post-ore”.
  4. Post-ore age: A future human time when people resort exclusively to ground metals (and occasional meteorites) as their supply. Enough metals have been pulled from the depths of the planet to supply people for any currently imaginable human future. The amount of metals on the the top of earths crust, serves as an insurance that humans will never return to pre-metal ages. No culture or human group can ever be “bombed back to the stone age”.

* Term coined by Jesse when visiting an old foundry and discovering multimetal ingots (iron, copper, aluminum etc.) which had been produced by decades of spillage. He also spotted a fireplace-base-cake containing lumps of aluminum, copper etc. developed from someones efforts in clearing metals from their plastic housing by burning them on open fire. Finnish translation: Jälkimalmi or jälki-malmi.

Easternational* (noun)


  1. Mobility and cultural activity between people and organizations that operate in European and West-Asian countries, which is deterrioralized by the shivering of the iron curtain (“No, it’s not about the money. Frieze London is of little interest to me and wines in Chișinău are much better. I’m more of an Easternational Artist”).
  2. Kinship manifested by people whose histories and present identities are deeply affected by the fall of Constantinople.
  3. Easternational Philosophy: A fringe of philosophical understanding which is know for a forthright critique of phenomenons of “development and progress”. It is rooted on the framework and lived experience of collapse as a state of being (best manifested by survivors of Chernobyl disaster). As a sociological investigation it studies guild caused by desires which could not be manifested (due to collapse). (“I never even wanted to have a microwave”).

* Term coined in a discussion with Andrej Polukord during the Performing the Fringe event in Stockholm. Moldovian views to contemporary easternational condition on Pietaris (new) blog (Finnish).

Representational Vegan (noun)

/ˌrɛprəzə’nteɪʃənəl ˈviːɡən/

  1. A carnivore or vegetarian who portraits themselves as a vegan in order to advocate vegan culture and lifestyles geared toward ecological sustainability (i.e. Ordering a vegan dish at a corporate launch so that the companies statistics on employees will show a higher amount of vegans in the personnel).
  2. A person who does not want to admit publicly that they eat meat or consume animal based products.
  3. A person motivated to restrict themselves from consuming products which are based on or include parts of animals or animal made products, primary because they enjoy to interpret how their diet (and related discussions) affect how others interpret their personhood.


Submitted the terms deep time Marxism and the institutional horizon to the Bureau of Linguistical Reality database.

Work on the SOW: Blacksmith ed1 metadata is progressing steadily. I’m currently authoring a .csv table with descriptions, filenames, tags etc. for The work is very tedious. The table has 324 rows (each with eight columns). Also added ID3v2.3.0 & RIFF INFO metadata to the files. Unfortunately I couldn’t sync the data automatically so the details are a bit different between the .csv and the metadata embedded into the files. Got the Sound of Work: Blacksmith edition 1 webpage on Ore.e Ref. site ready. Prepared a collection of one shot sounds for Kristian, so that we can start rehearsing with them.