/diːp tʌɪm ˈmɑːksɪz(ə)m”/
- Investigation of political subjectivities which develop as direct results of geological developments and the concentration of valuable minerals in specific regions of earth’s crust (and celestial bodies in outer space).
- Class consciousness which develops from investigating oneself as a fossil of the future (i.e. Imagining how traces we have left in to earth’s crust and geospace [traces of radiation, concentrations of metal, space junk, etc.] will be interpreted by the Deep time Marxists of the future).
- A pedagogical movement working to deposit specific traces of human activity in geographically strategic sites, so that the Deep time Marxists of the far future may come to terms with their role in history.
- (Fig.) Of a communist or socialist ideology resurfacing from history. Ref. Geological theory of deep time which manifests itself in minerals and fossils surfacing from earth core; living fossils.