Maisie Williams in 2016.

[…] we should stop calling feminists ‘feminists’ and just start calling people who aren’t feminist ‘sexist’ – and then everyone else is just a human. You are either a normal person or a sexist

Notes to self: Hammeradio operates with scheduled scripts. Access schedules with crontab -e, look for scripts in /home/pi/Desktop/. The entry @reboot /home/pi/Desktop/startupfm.sh launches sudo arecord -fS16_LE -r 22050 -Dplughw:1,0 -c 1 - | sudo /home/pi/PiFmRds/src/pi_fm_rds -audio - -rt Hammeradio & on startup. PiFmRds begins broadcasting at 107.9 MHz. The contab entry 0 */4 * * * /home/pi/Desktop/akustamatashutdown.sh waits for four hours before it runs the script (sudo shutdown). With top you can see active processes. PiFmRds shows ~24.5% CPU and arecord ~4.6%. vcgencmd measure_temp shows a steady 49.4°C temperature.