Saw [Hullu] by Blick Théâtre in Savoy-theatre last night (by invitation of Matthieu Siefridt). A tad of magic, dash of dance and some inspirational physical theatre jests. The puppeteering was very resourceful. The show used some simple visual elements (like a wall of cardboard boxes illuminated from different angles so that it looked like a video-mapping projection) which alone were reason to see it.

Ben Valentine asks How Can Ecological Artists Move Beyond Aesthetic Gestures? The text celebrates Agnes Denes as an example of responsible artist.. I should translate my texts on land art conversation in English. Denes’s work in Pinsiö is far from a sustainable artwork. The planting of trees using a strict mathematical pattern has forced the plants to compete for resources. Majority of the trees on the southern bank of the mountain have dried out etc. The work is in conflict with nature (which is why it is interesting).