Visited the ARTSI museum in Vantaa for the COVER ART – LONG LIVE VINYL exhibition opening. The mood of the opening was nice and the audience was a positive mix of musicians who were involved with the cover art and ordinary citizens from the Vantaa suburbs. By chance I also met the insect cook Topi Kairenius. I got a copy of the exhibition book in which I wrote a short text about the Record Singers group (txt in Fi).

I browsed through the exhibition and hasted to the Suomenlinna ferry to join the Helsinki art organizations joined grand party at the HIAP residency. Met with Paula Lehtonen and Jenni Pystynen and recapped my trouble with the police at last years Mänttä Art festival. Pekka Toivonen was playing techno but I had to leave for the 22:00 ferry.


Two weeks of life wasted on the WSG. Still not working right. Swapped all the parts and resoldered the wiring using an alternative diagram. It’s not working and I have no idea why. I ordered new resistors for the second unit and I’ll stop trying to fix this one to save energy to work on the next unit. Made a song about the life I wasted.

Noticed I have made fun entries to my soundcloud account. 20160423 2021 is one of my favorites.

Visited the “My Signs” performance by Pekka Toivonen at the Rock Church. It was a celebration of his career as a graphical designer. He had composed a concert for a small orchestra and made a video collage which showed his personal life during the time he had made his celebrated designs. The show was centered on his artists-persona, his encounters with women and snapshots of fast paced life.

Graphical designers have taken center stage of contemporary creative culture. Their profession is about building connection between different sorts of tastes. They don’t necessarily strive to make statements, their work is a celebration of complex signs presented in tasteful packages. The audience is left to make sense of what is being presented (they often build their interpretation on zeitgeist vibes or immerse in with the experience like romantic art back in the days). I imagine graphical designers don’t get constructive criticism about their work (there is no statement to criticise), so it must be a lonely profession.

Toivonen is the Gallen-Gallela of 21th century Finland but that’s not why I like him. I like him for his class struggle. His success is the success of the welfare state – He has breached the boundaries of his class.