74. Testikuvan historiaa [History of the Test Screen] (2017) Raimo Lähteenmäki. A perfect grey-literature & media archaeological introduction to the test screen used in Finnish TV broadcasting. A good companion to the Radion väliaikamerkki [Radio intermission sound] (2008) Jukka Lindfors, which offers detailed history of the intermission sound used in national radios (revealed to be a folk song). Is it ambient music thou? An undated (1960?) AT&T Bell Labs 1 ESS is a perfectly soothing view to electronics and labour.

Mediating Animal-Infrastructure Relations (2019) Lisa Parks. The author introduces three cases where animals interfere with infrastructure, in an effort investigate the agency animals are designated by designs: Infrastructures “mediate” animals to us. Park also offers a good introduction to intra-actions. Animals become trough the seams of the infrastructure we habit (they become infrastructural) and “animal bodies and energies can be harnessed and reorganized as support systems for human-attention economies or motivate the design of products that reinforce past investments in the built environment and sustain species hierarchies.”

Big week: We will publish a video & booklet on tasting, I’ll work on streaming-stuff and our Horse & Built Environment course for Aalto Uni. comes to a conclusion.