Put my Raspberry Pi to use and have it running as an FM radio broadcaster. I call it “Radio 99%” (Broadcasting at 99.0 FM). Went through various tutorials and ended up following Md. Khairul Alams “Raspberry Pi Based Wireless FM Microphone” which enables me to hook a 3,5mm jack to the RasPi (Through a cheap LogiLink sound card dongle). “Radio 99%” runs a full version of Raspbian which loads PiFM on boot. I placed RasPi, battery, antenna and the sound card in a small portable box. It fits a backpack easily. I now have an intrusive FM-PA sound system! It can reach ~20m easily without any interference and works ok in a four room flat.

Wonder how difficult it would be to broadcast on all FM frequencies at once? To change the broadcast frequency I have to connect to RasPi using SSH, change the startup script and reboot the device. This is not a convenient way to work with it. On an other SD card I installed the Raspberry Pirate Radio offered by Makezine, which is tied to a custom Raspbian distro. It works too and works as a jukebox.

Wonder if people in the middle ages told stories about the stone age? Like we tell stories about the middle ages.