Every great book you read changes you. We want to emphasize the process of change and build a community focused on enabling transformation and knowledge sharing.
Homes are cluttered with stuff. Letting go of books is particularly hard because you can’t be sure if they will be treated with the same respect you had for them.
But you cant keep them all.
And you shouldn’t, you should allow your bookshelf to change with you. Instead of cluttering your home with books, you should get smart and focus more on how books actually affect you.
Books are not about facts or literacy. They are about change. A bookshelf offers a snapshot to how you think. Just by looking at a bookshelf of a new acquaintance you get a glimpse on who they truly are.
Former is a service which helps you organize your books. With Former you can keep track on how you develop as a reader and a thinker. It makes it easy to socialize through books and discover new authors, publishers and readers.
Former is a minimalist bookshelf, which only fits a limited amount of books. Former challanges you to select books you believe to be most influential and for every new book you add on the shelf, you will have remove an old one.
Everyone in the Former network has a similar shelf in their homes, which makes comparing collections and finding associated texts easy. Your shelf is constantly changing and using the Former mobile app you can documents it’s development and share new literary discoveries.
You can discover people who have similar collections and interests as you do and trade the books with them. Each iteration of your shelf will be archived on Former website and you can witness its development through the years.
Former is a design philosophy, a bookshelf and a network. It is intended to facilitate your development as a reader and a thinker. It is a tangible structure is intended to support change by helping you to manage what your read.
Side note: Incredible video How I Made My Own iPhone – in China (2017) by user Strange Parts.