The Weird Sound Generator is running. Got a hang of the etching process, sorted the components and soldered them on the board. Working with the potentiometers took the longest as the wire I’m using breaks easily. Next time I’ll invest in Molex connectors. At first the sound B was broken which I traced to faulty top circuit connections. After some re-soldering it worked swell for a while but now I lost osc.1 from A sound. I pretty sure this is due to the wires.

It sounds interesting.

Then I got the sound B osc. 1 working again but lost sound A osc. 2. There are some issues with the filter too. Every voice in the build has worked at some point so I guess the issues come down to solder joints. I’ll re-test them later and package the generator tomorrow.

Met with Blanca Victoria Lópezia who is visiting Helsinki in search of Nordic nuances for the upcoming Havanna Biennale. The meeting was organized by Frame Finland. She’s working for the Wilfredo Lam Contemporary Art Centre. We talked about performance art being the art of our generation. It combines theory and practice and artists have to have a relation to it (like past generations needed to form a relation to painting).

Also chatted about the relation of crafts and art and I used Ore.e Refineries as a reference. In an effort to explain our multidisciplinary group I argued that “When artists work together they generally agree on what is art and find a constructive tone for collaboration but when artists work with professionals of other fields they have explain what they are doing and have to allow deconstructive approaches to their practice”.


Failed with my Weird Sound Generator circuit etchings. Had 4 plates to try out and made 4 different kinds of mistakes. Had to acquire new parts. I’m now 120€ into DIY synths. A few more mistakes and I would’ve afforded a used synth instead. Or a controller like the Arturia Beatstep I’ve been reading about… Or a upcoming Ericasynth nano module.


Note on Foucault: Contemporary times aim to create a desires, instead of controlling desire.

This is reason enough for everyone to become an artist.


Put my Raspberry Pi to use and have it running as an FM radio broadcaster. I call it “Radio 99%” (Broadcasting at 99.0 FM). Went through various tutorials and ended up following Md. Khairul Alams “Raspberry Pi Based Wireless FM Microphone” which enables me to hook a 3,5mm jack to the RasPi (Through a cheap LogiLink sound card dongle). “Radio 99%” runs a full version of Raspbian which loads PiFM on boot. I placed RasPi, battery, antenna and the sound card in a small portable box. It fits a backpack easily. I now have an intrusive FM-PA sound system! It can reach ~20m easily without any interference and works ok in a four room flat.

Wonder how difficult it would be to broadcast on all FM frequencies at once? To change the broadcast frequency I have to connect to RasPi using SSH, change the startup script and reboot the device. This is not a convenient way to work with it. On an other SD card I installed the Raspberry Pirate Radio offered by Makezine, which is tied to a custom Raspbian distro. It works too and works as a jukebox.

Wonder if people in the middle ages told stories about the stone age? Like we tell stories about the middle ages.


Blue eyes will eventually become a currency. People will be paying top dollar for appearances with the blue eyed.