Second experiment with Epilog laser cutter worked better. Cut clean trough 3,5mm poplar plywood (made eurorack panels, 3 & 1u) but I didn’t get trough a (dirty & crooked) 6mm birch plywood sheet (wanted to make a case). The cutter only yielded 5w of its maximum 50w power. 3,5mm went trough with 4 passes and I tried to get trough the 6mm for two hours. The cutter will be serviced tomorrow.


Made a cute faceplate for my Kassutronic ASR Envelope. Added it on modular grid too. Assembled a DC 5-24v to Dual Power 12v -12v 5v -5v 3.3v Linear Regulator Module kit and build a 16 pin power rail for it (4 sockets). I now have 300mA for a second rack which I can use primarily for testing my builds. It also runs on usb, which means I now the start of a battery driven eurorack system.

Bought a Singer 320k. Seems to be in good condition. It has over twenty stitching pattern disks and I managed to modify the bobbing case (following this guide) so that it accepts 15X1 needles. I can finally fix my pants and make a leather patch to my jeans.


Added an array of capacitors to my Electroslush. 4u7 does not do much, 10u has a more audible effect. Changing the caps next to inductors has as a stronger effect. My plan is to build a capacitor myself (using mineral water as the conductor or electrolyte and plastic as the dielectric), use this cap as a filter on an audio amplifier circuit which will amplify the sound of the Electroslush (which will be listening to filter capacitor I build). This should make for an oscillator, which sound character is determined by the electromagnetic field of the diy mineral water capacitor.

I might use Tom Whitwells SimpleEQ (with exposed sockets for the capacitors next to the the bass and treble pots) and Mikrophonie as basis for the design. Electroslush -> Mikrophonie (or two for stereo) -> SimpleEQ (which capacitors are listened by the Electroslush) -> VCA/Output. In the long run I might combine the Electroslush and Mikrophonie into the same circuit.


I hope the Oodi laser cutter is fixed cause I want to make a eurorack case for travel. Also interested in building a passive VCA/LPG (see szabomate on Muffwiggler) or a DIY vactrol poor man’s LPG or a Shoosh (for eurorack). Bought rails for the 1u row of my case. I should continue working on the mineral water electronic monitor (I need to make a strong amplifier to hear water better). After this I’ll experiment with running signals trough water using different capacitors. To make lower frequencies audible, I’ll have to play with the cap values of my Elektrosluch. Learning about water adjustment too.

AirPods Are a Tragedy (2019) Caroline Haskins. A pretty plain text. It’s a part of a interesting “Future Relics” column series. The concept reminds me of Archeology of the Future, which we coined with Jesse back in the days as an attempt to criticize present day consumerism by imagining ourselves as archeologist in the future.

Learning how to change bike wheel spokes. Saving money is hard work. #ॐ


Successfully build a Music Thing Modular Spring reverb mk2 and a Kassutronic ASR Envelope (which also loops, so now I have an additional LFO too!). I don’t have a frontpanel for the envelope, I’ll have to figure something out. Even tough it’s a really simple module, it has been my most complicated build so far as I had to source all the parts (some had very specific measure specifications) and trust my judgment in the assembly. Powered it for testing using a power supply I build earlier. Feeling confident in my diy.

Traded my Drumbrute to a Expert Sleepers Disting mk4 (the trade was balanced monetarily). Disting has a steep learning curve. Got some multisample Mellotrone running using the the J-6 algorithm. Compiled a samplepack for it (cello, choir, flute). Seems that my departure from sample-life was short lived.