Build my first module: “Tip/Ring Thing (Breakout)”. Its a 4hp unit which divides a 3.5mm TRS socket to two separate mono sockets. I can now transmit CVs (and audio) from-and-to my softPop with the module. It’s essentially a passive two channel splitter and/or mixer. It also works with my QuNexus, which sends CV trough a TRS connection. (Building the module costed me less then 5€ but four hours of time, because I wanted the panel from wood).

I’ve now compiled all of the modules I have planned. Feeling content but I want to deepen my understanding of sounds. I need some kind of drum-sound generator (re-discovered Kastle 1.5), a looping envelope, more VCAs (I’ll possibly build them using vactrol), a second LFO (for slow movements), a second attenuverter (for the second lfo) and a spring echo. Today I used the Turing Machine as an oscillator (by clocking using softPops square wave output), I patched the same clock signal to my clock divider (which serves as a square oscillator, when clock very fast). I then routed the sound of the Turing Machine to the softPops filter and used the QuNexus to trigger the Skis envelope/VCA to control the sound (of the filtered sound and the clock-div sub-osc). I wonder.. Would psychotherapy be more affordable?

My review titled Kun kirjasto lukee meitä (When the library reads us) on the The Library’s Other Intelligences art project is available on Mustekala.info.

Listening and studying Toshimaru Nakamura NO-INPUT MIXING BOARD (2000).


Build a PMfoundations clock divider. Everything is working well. A moderate build, took me three hours. Also assembled a Bastl passive mult. To my fury its wood panel broke in assembly. Got my QuNexus from the mail and got the pressure sensitive pads working smoothly with my softPop.

Building up stamina for serious work.


Returning from my one month Kankaanpää Art School teaching gig with good vibes. I only had five students but they were committed. I’ll prepare a summary of the course in Finnish for next week.

Send an application to the Kone foundation community art triennial open call.

Met with Binna Choi by introduction of Frame. We had a fun chat about workshops (as art), metalwork, crafts and horses.

Preparing to swap my Zoom cdr70 to a QuNexus and build lid-locks and a handle to my eurorack case. It looks very cool. I still have a clock divider module in the works. I only bought a pcb for it and sourced the components.

I have untill Tuesday to finish my review of the Oodi Library’s Other Intelligences events (mentioned earlier) for Mustekala mag. in Finnish. Barely enough time for fact checking.. I’ll visit the library again on Monday.


Successfully build a Bastl Skis module. Spend my evenings in Kankaanpää Art School by building a scrap-plywood 104hp eurorack case with space for 3u and 1u modules. The case has adjustable support legs, so that it can be worked from an ergonomic position and a lid which can be closed with patch cables attached.


Successfully built a Music Thing Modular Turing Machine Mkii and its Volts expander (which indicates faults in the assembly). Only four steps of the expander produce changes is the voltages which indicates bad solder joints, a problem with the 4015 chips, an issue with the clock input (using Ginko Synthese LFOv2), the pcb or something else. Checked all of the solder joints but they look good. I’ll have to get new chips, reheat all the joints and try again. The issue seems common and similar behavior is described on a Muffwiggler thread. Forgot a 10k resistor from Volts, soldered it down and everything works now!