Увидеть огород Вадима и бросить троеборье… Weird and powerful movements with kettlebells and chained weights.

Learning to make viili in preparation of the Neighborizome events.

Updates (8-14.1). Note: Moved the history of a viili here.

Gen 1#

1l fatty milk, 2dl fatty viili (Valio brand) in warm room temperature (22.5°C). Mixed using a blender and poured in six closed jars (jar lids have three small holes for air). Simple and fun.

  • Batch A 12 hours in 22.5°C, 12h in cold. Results: Consistency identical to original viili and taste is great but mild.
  • Batch B 23h in 22.5°C, 7h in cold. Results: Consistency identical to original viili and taste is great, slightly more acidic.
  • Batch C 33h in 22.5°C, 12h in cold. Results: Consistency identical to original viili and taste is great, similar acidity as batch B.

Gen 2#

1l non-homogenic, non-heat-treated and organic fatty milk, poured on top of 2dl of Gen 1# A batch in a large glass container (cleaned with boiling water). Room temperature 22.5°C.

  • Batch 2A 23h in 22.5°C, 4h in cold. Results: Consistency identical to original viili and taste is great, similar acidity as Gen 1# Batch B. (Same taste and condition after ~20h in refrigerator).

Gen 3#

Batch 3A[P]: 1l regular low fat milk, poured on top of 2/3 Batch 2A mixed with cultured buttermilk (Which includes Asidofilus & Bifidus bacteria). Batch 3A: 1l regular low fat milk. Room (also milk and viili) temperature 22.5°C. Batches prepared in heat-treated jars (two lids emit a faint vinegar odor).

  • Batch 3A[P] 23h in 22.5°C, 18h in cold. Results: Consistency identical to original viili and taste is great, nicely acidic but not strong. No trace of buttermilk.
  • Batch 3A 23h in 22.5°C, 18h in cold. Results: Consistency identical to original viili and taste is mild but good. No vinegar odors or taste.


Enlisted as an unemployed in an effort to collect funds for the upcoming New York residency. I have some savings and gigs scheduled but I need to pull in all available resources to fund the trip (grant applications for Taike and Skr failed).

Guests from Brussels are arriving today and staying for a week in our place. Kids are still on their winter vocation and I can’t work at home.

Neighborizome events are being planned and prepared for 18.1.


The Berlin Wall Distortion build was successful. Unfortunately my schematics had a critical error which took the better part of the day to figure out. All of the components are soldered on the board, potentiometers, buttons and switches are in place. Sounds works but one of the diode pairs is still causing issues. I’ll try to find potentiometer hats tomorrow and attach the window.

Giovanna guided our Neighborizome group as a consultant over the weekend. The discussions were very fruitful and I feel way more confident about the project.

Preparing for Porin Juhlaviikot performances (should be writing texts for it already but I’m too tired due to a day of breathing solder gas).

The Truth about ‘Cultural Appropriation’ (2017) Kenan Malik for ArtReview. Too strong arguments for me..

What is really being appropriated, in other words, is not culture but the right to police cultures and experiences, a right appropriated by those who license themselves to be arbiters of the correct forms cultural borrowing.


Wrote a detailed summary (in Finnish) of my art-camp contribution for 12-18 year old kids from Hyvinkää and Hämeenlinna children’s art schools. Added links to Peggy Pierrots talkshop-guidelines and referred to Poste Restante.  The title “Postructuralism for Kids -lecture” brings a smile to my face.

Neighborizome project development is in a mid development crisis. Nothing threatening but we need to find more sensible ways in to work together. We drafted a budget for next year.. If everything goes as planned we’ll publish a booklet and host a miniature performance art festival in the spring of 2018. Things will be confirmed next week.

Through this collaboration I’ve come to understand of my personal shortcomings as a project manager. Instead of engaging in negotiations which would be rooted on clearly articulated opinions, I tend to continue addressing questions I have issues with for as long as it takes for the group to address them the way I prefer – This way I inadvertently assume indirect control of the discussions, without clarifying and assuming responsibility for my intents. This style of management is rooted in collective low budget production culture (typical for performance art in Finland) where members have strong creative opinions and they don’t have the resources to challenge their beliefs. When issues are continually re-address the aims and shape of the artwork (or project) is address as a series of tasks which fit within milestones and deadlines (instead of creative intents and visions). As a result the project will be lead by the person who invest the most in task solving and this seldom makes for good art.

Vili Mustalampi performed well at the Kom-theater sound night at Vuotalo. I haven’t listened to the recording yet. I think the Mitä kuulu+ (for Ihme-days) & Kutsu projects which focused on the changes in city soundscapes are now complete. I’m not completely satisfied on how things went. The 48min documentary I made is a tad too long and unfocused and unfortunately I haven’t found anyone who would be interested in publishing it. I should share it more boldly to people I imagine would like it.