Saw a eye-opening graffiti from the window of the G-train.


I was taught that critical art is “participating in discussions in order to show how unjust particular discussion are”. I was taught to welcome the hurt – So that the audience could witness how unfair and evil the world is. This still makes sense to me… But I know it shouldn’t.

Kassutronic is designing neat eurorack modules.

Why a leading political theorist thinks civilization is overrated (2018) Sean Illing. Interview of James Scott, author of In Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States (2017). They talk about de-development!

JS: […] the standard narrative is that once we had domesticated plants, then we immediately shifted to an agricultural society so that we could stay in the same place […] But that’s not quite right. Four thousand years passed between the first firm evidence of domesticated plants, cereals, and the beginning of truly agrarian communities that are living largely by agriculture.

[…] hunters and gatherers spend only about 50 percent of their time producing or searching for what they needed to survive. The idea that hunters and gatherers and foragers were living hand to mouth and one day away from starvation is nonsense […]


Visited Somewhere I’ve Never Been book-reading/NYC-launch event organised by Pool publishing and Steph Kretowicz at the Commend space. Kretowicz talked warmly of her collaboration with Kaino (on a podcast series based to the book which I mentioned earlier). The event was relaxed but the atmosphere was not cosy. This unfortunately made the text feel introverted and nostalgic. Kretowicz’s interesting idea of using global public-pop-music-performances as a tool for illustrating, the degree by which personal identity building processes differ across the globe; was not explored in detail.

Renewed my monthly membership to Frenchie’s Gym (at 306 Broadway). The place is a gorgeous antique-bodybuilding facility. Majority of the weights and devices are from the seventies and the atmosphere is welcoming (in an edgy way). I haven’t had the stamina to visit the place often but as the weather cools I’ll have more energy for exercise. A blogger by the name of MissfitFinland has made a post about the place in 2014.

It’s not allowed to take photographs at the gym so, at some point I’ll have to spend some time writing about the feel of the place. The gym is on the second floor of a worn brick building, at the level of the M & J train rails, which run over Broadway. The passing trains shove a breeze of air from the windows and their sound cuts trough the constant salsa muzak playing from the radio. People on the train platform peek trough the open windows but it’s dark inside and I doubt that they see us sweating inside. There is no air conditioning.


Americans have talent. I’ve walked past phenomenal subway performances, rock solid drum work at the curbs, witnessed stage charisma to conquer the world with and heard talks which melt hearts. After witnessing an abundance of near perfect artist presentations, a doubt has emerged: They can’t all be that good (in performance)… What am I missing?

I’ve come to understand that American aesthetics are the current definition of what talent is. They are not better singers, performers or artists: They are the definition of what contemporary singers, performers and artists are. What is considered talent and charisma is defined by American aesthetics.

For example. The European versions of “Got Talent”, “Idols”, “Dancing with the Stars” are not shows about finding talent and identifying charisma. They are shows in which performers compete on who best fits the American standards of the aesthetics of personal presentation.

Unfortunately “working outside ones comfort zone” has been deduced into a style. Americans are locked into a brawl with the past.


Water is an organ #ॐ. During my ride to Kensington stables I must have lost liters of liquids. It took me three days to recover, I hurt my back and I lost concentration. Recovering.

Bumped my bike on the Williamsburg Bridge railing, flew over the rod and bent my front wheel. Only bruises. Forced the wheel back to shape by kicking. It was 18:45. I searched online for a bike repairs shop. One was open for an other 15 min. Rushed to the shop, the wheel rubbing against the breaks. Got a spoke nipple tightener, the very last they had on rack. Cruised home and fixed my bike. A successful Sunday.


The West (2018) ContraPoints. She’s referencing Kwame Anthony Appiah (notes from earlier). An entertaining video highlighting contradictions that make up the definition of “the west”.

A young kid in the Sternberg Park children playground had a snake with her. She wore it around her shoulders and waist while walking around a water fountain. Kids swarmed around her but they soon got bored and continued with their games.