[En] News: “Skills of Economy – Post Models: Ore.e Refineries (Exhibition and events)”.

SIC Space (Location / Facebook)

7.6. – 20.7.2014 (closed 19.6.-22.6.2014)

Skills of Economy – Post Models: Ore.e Refineries is the first in a series of exhibitions and events that will seek to understand the meaning of artistic practice at a time when the welfare state is in the process of being dismantled. This exhibition explores the work of the Ore e. Refineries organisation spanning the past eight years. The exhibition is part of curator Jussi Koitela’s Skills of Economy project.

Over the past two decades, neo-liberalism has sought to turn the state into a corporation, devoid of values other than those of financial success. This has changed, and will continue to change, the state’s relationship with art, artists and cultural institutions alike and forces the art field to justify its activities and access to funding in a completely new way.

In Finland, the post-welfare state has adopted a neo-liberal model that places prime responsibility for the individual’s welfare on the individuals themselves, alongside outsourced global and local providers. The objective of this model is to establish a service provider corps consisting of commercial enterprises tasked to operate as efficiently as possible and, ultimately, provide all public services in lieu of the state. It is, the argument goes, the only effective option currently available and, as such, the only possible means of delivering public services in the current and future demographic context.

“Post-model” is a term used to describe a time when the economy and public administrations along with politics itself will have become fully de-politicised entities, as if we were living in a time devoid of ideologies and the societal models and ideas they engender. The management of our shared public affairs through parliamentary democracy is reduced to a managerial, care taker-like activity governed by rationality, in which values must not be allowed to interfere with the business of actual decision-making.

Seen from a different perspective, the “post-model” in the title of this exhibition could also be taken to mean a time post the model described above. What forms might artistic activity take in the future and what sort of societal models might that activity open up? How can art make a critical contribution to ensuring the equal delivery of services such as transport, manufacturing, planning and archiving in the society of the future?

Ore.e Refineries was founded by artist Eero Yli-Vakkuri and blacksmith and designer Jesse Sipola and focuses on promoting craftsmanship in the digital era. It operates somewhere in the middle ground between art, design and service provision to create both artworks and services that seek at once to resolve and understand the challenges arising from the current neo-liberal, global and digital reality in the areas of precarious labour, commodities, production, consumption, environmentalism and transport.

The organisation’s activities are characterised by their highly speculative nature. Rather than creating art, design and services in keeping with the implicit demands of the current climate, their work generates meaning through an imagined set of new social, environmental and economic circumstances.

Artists presented in the Ore.e Refineries Meta- Collection – Artifacts from the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

Jussi Koitela, Paula Lehtonen, Kalle Mustonen, Eero Nelimarkka, Pekka Ruuska, Record Singers (Heiskanen, Nevalainen, Väisänen & Airas), Iidu Tikkanen, Lauri Wuolio and Topi Äikäs

Exhibition and the practice of Ore.e Refineries is supported by Koneen säätiö and Uudenmaan taidetoimikunta.

[En] Ore.e Ref: Metal Scavenging is Alchemy – Waste Expedition for Pixelversity 30.8.

[UPDATED: Added photos by Rasa Kavaliauskaitė. 3.9.2013] Post originally published at: http://www.pixelache.ac/

Photos on flickr.com


The copper scavenging workshop by Ore.e Refineries for Pixelversity went well. We changed the original plans and didn’t go to “Niemen Romukauppa” in Tattarisuo… Instead went to “Romuliike Meriokanto Raimo” in Kumpula. The price of copper was 4,20 per kilo and we made 16,80 profit. Profits where shared with the group. Some video streams to the Pixelversity Bambuser channel where made during the day (but mostly photos where taken). Above is the receipt of the copper transaction.


During the “Metal Scavenging is Alchemy” waste expedition, blacksmith Jesse Sipola and artist Eero Yli-Vakkuri from Ore.e Refineries will escort participants into the world of Copper Scavenging 30. August. This waste expedition is the 3rd organised within the context of the Pixelversity 2013 Waste/d theme. The expedition will take participants for a bike trip from Helsinki downtown (meet in Hakaniementori) to Tattarisuo.

Sipola is well tuned to the junkyard scene of Helsinki and has disassembled engines for copper at his smithy in Espoo. Ore.e Refineries is a company advocating sustainable design and has worked on copper  related projects since 2007, and invite you into a one day workshop  process for scavenging copper and making profit! There is detailed information about programme & expectations below. Copper can be found practically anywhere in the city.

Register your interest & contacts to participate: http://pixelache.muistio.tieke.fi/pv13-waste-expeditions-oree and don’t forget to read more about Copper also.

Related blog post:



Concerning workshop, travels and program: Eero Yli-Vakkuri (Ore.e Ref.) / eero //äät storijapan.net / +358 5057 29743

Converning Pixelversity 2013 Waste Management Expeditions: Andrew Paterson / andrew //äät pixelache.ac / +358 5040 23828

PROGRAM (via Ore.e Ref.)


Meeting in Hakaniementori at 10:00. We’ll make a ~15km bike trip from Hakaniemi to Niemen Romukauppa Oy (http://www.niemenromu.fi/  ) in Tattarinsuo metal junk yards. While biking trough the city we’ll  keep a look for copper related trash on the way. When copper related  junk is found it’ll be scavenged on the field. Niemen romu is open until  16:00 and so we’ll need to arrive around 14:00 to have a proper look  around.

You’ll need a bike, wire cutters, gloves, a box cutter, backpack, food/water and a positive attitude.

Looking at the city as a mobile scavenger

Visiting the Museum of Technology area

We’ll sell the copper we’ve collected durign the workshop

Talk about the experience.

All of the profit goes to Jesse?

Optional Day 0. (Before the workshop)

Participants are encouraget to scavenge all sorts of copper containing junk from the  city and their homes before the workshop. The copper you bring along will be traded to cash at Tattarinsuo 30.8. Construction sites are good places to look for  material. If you are having trouble finding dumpsters in Helsinki try  using the https://www.facebook.com/groups/roskalava.helsinki/ service.

Tutorial on how to peel electric wires in Helsinki: http://youtu.be/ZTdrz6C5phg

Look for electric wires, old tvs, computers, transducers, power supplies, electric machinery

You’ll need wire cutters, gloves, a box cutter, a backpack, a bike, flashlight and a positive attitude.

The  stuff you collect does not have to be clean. A focus of the workshop is  that we’ll


30.8 Hakaniementori to Rattitie 12-14 (Tattarisuo)
15km bike trip will take 2-3 hours
10:00 Departure by bike from Hakaniemen tori (Center)
~12:00 Museum of Technology (Viikintie 1, HKI)
~14:00 Niemen Romukauppa Oy, Rattitie 12-14 00770 HKI (Tattarisuo)
Perhaps we’ll buy beers and ciders with the profits? Biking back will possibly be harder (but funnier).

Link (Short link: http://bit.ly/10Z7WQp ):

 ABOUT COPPER (via Ore.e Ref.)

Copper is one of the first metals people have learned to use and it has a lot of applications. Modern cities and lifestyles are dependent on  it. It is the best medium for transmitting information and energy.  You’ll find it inside walls and computers, conveying electricity and  bits. As it doesn’t rust it’s also used in plumbing systems and as a  roofing material. “Copper is 100% recyclable without any loss of quality”.

It’s mostly hidden form plain site, inside transducers and PVC  insulation – So people aren’t aware how much of it is wasted. As  buildings are renovated it’s common to dispose of old electric wires by  throwing them in the trash… When you learn to look for it you start to  see the city in a new way. Every dumpster is a treasure chest filled with copper bullions turned into spaghetti. A kilo of copper can be sold  for 3-to-5 euros!

But before you start profiting from extension cords and copper  strings you’ve pulled from your amplifier, you’ll have to strip the  insulation. Inside 10 kg of the common three-phase copper cable (similar  to what you find in laptop chargers) there is nearly 2,8kg of copper.  You also need to know where you’ll get the best price for your efforts. See the city from the scavengers perspective; hunt for copper junk in Helsinki!


Ore.e Refineries on North-South theme
Manufacturing a Copper Plate for Printmaking (2007): http://youtu.be/_AsNsZxosiE
Copper Scavenging – Helsinki: How to Peel Electric Wires. (2013): http://youtu.be/ZTdrz6C5phg

On copper as a material: Jussi Parikka – An Alternative Deep Time of the Media: a Geologically Tuned Media Ecology https://vimeo.com/72676524#t=963