Heard Belorukov & Zherbin, Filter Feeders and Pasha Rotts at Akusmata gallery last night. A warm and noisy evening. Saw a Make Noise 0-Coast and a SP-303 in use. Also a brilliant electronic music gig hat (by Pasha). Petri Kuljuntausta offered some guidelines for the upcoming Ore.e Ref./Storijapan: Sound of Work exhibition/gig. He wants us to prioritize on audio. We’ll possibly also present audio pieces from the Ore.e Ref.: Meta- Collection (Record Singers, Topi Äikäs 4’33, Wuolio usb stick?). Particullary Äikäs and RS serve as solid references. Came up with the idea of making a helmet xylophone (like the one Ewoks play in Star Wars) and using the same styles of exhibition display techniques we deployed for SIC (2014).

Ore.e Ref. on a winning streak. Washington Post writes that The hottest trend in Web design is making intentionally ugly, difficult sites. Apparently web brutalism is a thing.