Chelsea Manning for U.S. Senate campaign video sends a very similar message as the Donald Trump presidential campaign.

Work on viili continues! Made a sheet document to follow the progress: 20180115_a-history-of-a-viili. Collected Kombucha from Pasi Rauhala for the upcoming Neighborizome talk-shop.

Wrote a travel grant usage reports for the Arts Promotion Center of Finland. Tough work. I’ll have to make a document about last years artists grant too.

Send an email to New York Performa-organization in an effort to plan the residency period. Also learned that our flat in Brooklyn has a gym in the basement, it’s 15 min from the residency-atelier and that I need to get a B1 style working visa in order to make a film in the city.

Send my Novation Circuit to Thomann.de for service. The unit glitches occasionally. Thomann has a three year warranty! Included a summary of the issues and a short text: “Greetings from Helsinki and I hope you have a good week. I’ve been preparing viili lately, it is a fermented milk drink (similar to buttermilk) and going to the sauna by the cold sea. I’m thinking about getting a Drumbrute, it would compliment the Circuit well and make for a decent sequencer.”

Got a copy of Osculum Infame (2001) Gardar Eide Einarsson & Matias Faldbakken (published by Nifca). A guide for satanic ass-kissing.

There are various aspects of the Osculum Infame, the Black Mass and the description of Satan’s physical appearance that can be applied to the notion of modern-day networking rituals and their participants. As a manner of trading social behavior for personal gain, networking had become one of the most powerful vehicles for financial, political and cultural progress.


Berlin Wall Distortion pedal is operational, I’m happy – But still hungry and I’m already planning for a new audio effect project (possibly a cold war / Finnlandisierung related filter / amplifier unit). Before I start with a new device I’ll wrap this project properly. Made corrections to the Berlin map/schematic and moved it to OpenStreet map. I’ll remake the circuit board toner exposure / transfer images next week and possibly shoot a video explaining how it works (I’ll use archive.org videos as illustration). I’m thinking about making a cover of Dancing on the Berlin Wall (1982) by Rational Youth.

Homemade Modular Synthesiser explained by nervoussquirrel (the previously noted Geiger counter module also included). The system is dedicated to Ray Wilson.


ERD/WORM an eurorack module with soil as one of the components announced by artist Martin Howse. He is also running interesting (but expensive) Wormed Voice -workshops in London.

Took part in the independence day protest events with Pietari. We followed the mounted police through the night. The evening was uneventful and I have a hangover.

Preparing my presentation for the Creative Commons and Art seminar tomorrow at the Pori Art Museum.