Returning from my one month Kankaanpää Art School teaching gig with good vibes. I only had five students but they were committed. I’ll prepare a summary of the course in Finnish for next week.

Send an application to the Kone foundation community art triennial open call.

Met with Binna Choi by introduction of Frame. We had a fun chat about workshops (as art), metalwork, crafts and horses.

Preparing to swap my Zoom cdr70 to a QuNexus and build lid-locks and a handle to my eurorack case. It looks very cool. I still have a clock divider module in the works. I only bought a pcb for it and sourced the components.

I have untill Tuesday to finish my review of the Oodi Library’s Other Intelligences events (mentioned earlier) for Mustekala mag. in Finnish. Barely enough time for fact checking.. I’ll visit the library again on Monday.


Sound of Work: Blacksmith is linked as a “sound publication” on the Finnish Society for Acoustic Ecology website. It’s right next to publications made by Meri Kytö – Which is very flattering! Her article on modern cities as acoustic spaces (Moderni kaupunkilaisuus akustisena järjestyksenä 2011) was a very influential text when I worked on the Hear and There+ project for Ihme-days.

Also discovered a EU funded labor themed audio archive project Work with Sound (my favorite sound is Pump). There is going to be an international conference in Tampere in June Exhibiting Sounds of Changes. I send them a proposal for a gig!

Send a grand-application for Frame. Asked for 500€ to have my Land- and Environmental Art Conservation article translated into English. I proposed to make it into a A5 size booklet (like Gastroeconomy 2014) with bw illustrations (like in Reseptejä Kemistä 2013).


Yesterday I met with Andrea Kovács from the let-it-be art agency together with Paula and today Frame organized a meeting with Mami Kataoka. I’ve been talking non-stop about horses. I’m still sick with a flu so I was sweating throughout the talks.


Got to know Esa Nickle from the Performa biannual crew thanks to a hook up by Frame Finland. She was cool and we talked about famous actors and musicians who’ve started to fiddle with performance art (she had been involved with the Jay-Z & Abramović performance etc.) and how this celebrity trend has repositioned performance artists from performers to content creators. Discussions also touched the gentrification processes in NY city, Estonian contemporary art and conceptual art in non-western cultures (Boris Groys was cited!). I tried to convince her that sharing performance documentations on youtube is a good idea because we need to educate future artist generations, so they’ll know that there is a difference in what Jay-Z is doing as performance and what we we are up to. We had a couple of beers and I’m walking home. Feels like summer.


The Weird Sound Generator is running. Got a hang of the etching process, sorted the components and soldered them on the board. Working with the potentiometers took the longest as the wire I’m using breaks easily. Next time I’ll invest in Molex connectors. At first the sound B was broken which I traced to faulty top circuit connections. After some re-soldering it worked swell for a while but now I lost osc.1 from A sound. I pretty sure this is due to the wires.

It sounds interesting.

Then I got the sound B osc. 1 working again but lost sound A osc. 2. There are some issues with the filter too. Every voice in the build has worked at some point so I guess the issues come down to solder joints. I’ll re-test them later and package the generator tomorrow.

Met with Blanca Victoria Lópezia who is visiting Helsinki in search of Nordic nuances for the upcoming Havanna Biennale. The meeting was organized by Frame Finland. She’s working for the Wilfredo Lam Contemporary Art Centre. We talked about performance art being the art of our generation. It combines theory and practice and artists have to have a relation to it (like past generations needed to form a relation to painting).

Also chatted about the relation of crafts and art and I used Ore.e Refineries as a reference. In an effort to explain our multidisciplinary group I argued that “When artists work together they generally agree on what is art and find a constructive tone for collaboration but when artists work with professionals of other fields they have explain what they are doing and have to allow deconstructive approaches to their practice”.