Fun electronics projects for solarpunk: Build a Solar-Powered Music Synth (2022) Iffy Books which is inspired by Ralf Schreiber solarsoundmodule (1996). Schreiber’ step-by-step manual on the latter beautify, as is the guide for suneater which links to Mark Tilden’s and Eric Seale’s work on solar motor designs. I’m planning to build a water-pump and sensor element for a water-purification machine, which could react to changing water levels & quality and user interactions. It’s supposed to become a fountain of sorts. Desperately keeping it non-technical, so that the tech part (which currently motivates me more the then conceptual function of the machine) won’t take over how the machine is interpreted. Ad-hoc’ish buggy gadgets like the suneater seem to work in the favour of looser interpretations. They have agency.

Also acquired a kintsungi kit to restore earthenware ceramics which were prepared during the previous Experimental Clay Workshop 2. The metals used in the technique might facilitate electronics too. Perhaps a porcelain cup as a electra distortion unit? Unfortunately the bomb-shelter studio is too cold to for intricate work.

I’m working on too much text and my neck is sore. I have art-reviews to edit, accidentally made a short column for a political journal and I’m scheduled to start working on an article on sustainable art residency culture soon. Also working on a institutional critique campaign which will likely be announced later this month and preparing a horse course for TeaK. Had a short lecture in the Fine Art Academy too (and examined a thesis there too). The students were expecting a talk on ecological art, so I had them form a bus row from chairs and took them on an imaginary road trip on Suuri Rantatie, chatting casually about horses. This year I’ve taught or had lectures in Aalto university, Fine Art & Theatre Academies, the Kankaanpää Art School and co-organized two workshops.

The book “Performance Art in Practice – Pedagogical approaches” (Worthwise 2022) edit. Aapo Korkeaoja, to which I submitted an essay four years ago is being launched next week in Turku. The text I wrote for it is more relevant to me now then when I wrote it. Here is a n extract which starts my text

I have always had issues with authority. This family tradition was passed on to me by my mother. I get offended when people tell me what to do and for this reason studying has been and still is challenging. Luckily Finland is a welfare state, and in the nineties primary school teachers were idealistic. They believed that everyone is good at something and their trust convinced me that my dissident attitudes would find acceptance in the field of art.

I try to pass on similar hopefulness when I get the opportunity to teach. In the past I’ve attempted to assert control over creative processes and I’m learning to get more comfortable with uncertainty. I fear that open processes end up strengthening existing ideas and do not enforce change, which I think is mandatory for combating the hostility of present societies.

Prepared a new category in-memoriam to the Ore.e Ref. site structure (root folders also include praxis and media). Added a celebratory 15 years in operations speech for Jesse, scribed to the marginal of a Casio 3769 manual.


Saw a eye-opening graffiti from the window of the G-train.


I was taught that critical art is “participating in discussions in order to show how unjust particular discussion are”. I was taught to welcome the hurt – So that the audience could witness how unfair and evil the world is. This still makes sense to me… But I know it shouldn’t.

Kassutronic is designing neat eurorack modules.

Why a leading political theorist thinks civilization is overrated (2018) Sean Illing. Interview of James Scott, author of In Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States (2017). They talk about de-development!

JS: […] the standard narrative is that once we had domesticated plants, then we immediately shifted to an agricultural society so that we could stay in the same place […] But that’s not quite right. Four thousand years passed between the first firm evidence of domesticated plants, cereals, and the beginning of truly agrarian communities that are living largely by agriculture.

[…] hunters and gatherers spend only about 50 percent of their time producing or searching for what they needed to survive. The idea that hunters and gatherers and foragers were living hand to mouth and one day away from starvation is nonsense […]


Schematics and a guide on muffwiggler.com and doepfer.de for nifty 5v gate -> S-trigger converter, which might work on the Boss RC-30 tap tempo (and any other Boss pedal with a tap-tempo). I’m tempted to try this even tough I’m not using my RC-30 as much. Here is a better plan Slacker’s midi clock metronome PLUS tap trigger (S-trigger is not for switch toggle action!). After a furious night of internet search I learned of the Thomas Henry Trigger-to-Switch Project, which uses a 5 VDC dpdt dip relay relay to convert a +5v (5ms) into a switch toggle action. Also considering making a Panasonic/Lumix camera remote using these schematics. Bought a new cheep multimeter.


Visited Press Play Fair 2018 at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn over the weekend. Press Play Fair was an independent publisher & zine fair, which brought together over 30 publishers from around the US. The fair emphasised independent publishing as a sanctuary and a tool for communities to self-organise. The two day fair was packed with performances, public readings and discussions. They offered zine & book making workshops and a pleasant Sound Monsters synth building workshop by Johann Diedrick. I joined it with Helka (6y) and we build a nice sounding semi-modular within two hours (the soundmonsters synth schematics are available online!).

I only hear the the “Publishing as Sanctuary: A Conversation with Independent Publishers” panel. The talk offered a glimpse to the efforts of Jessica Lynne of Arts.BlackAdriana Monsalve of Homie House Press, and Lizania Cruz of We The News (a Laundromat Project). The talk was moderated by  Kimi Hanauer of Press Press. Some of the talks were steamed on 8-Ball radio (which in itself seems like an interesting effort). Particularly liked Lynne’s talk which was partly about art criticism and publishing in online environments. The Arts.Black grew out of a tumbrl-blog.

Bought a Gh4 (It’s incredible, finally I have focus peaking and other focus tools) and got a free Shure VF83F with the purchase. Learning how to work with V-Log L and the new menus&options. Also got new 2tb hard-drives and a usb 3.0 dock, I have everything I need for editing and shooting 4k.

itty.bitty.site a service which makes websites that are contained entirely within their own link. Brilliant.