What an exiting day. I got a Mazizone installation running on my Raspi3+! I can now host a local access etherpad service, open a file sharing box or a wordpress installation (among other things). Here is a short explanation why these kinds of “Digital Sovereignty” projects are important. (The project also has a faint link to urban farming, as one partner for the project has been Prinzessinnengarten) Feels great and only took 10 hours of manic computer work to figure out. I’m preparing to share my Trans-Siberian Railway sound collection using a Mazizone which is specifically set up for the Alkovi space at Hämeenkatu. Here is are my notes on getting the system running for this setup.

  1. Etcher > mazizone-v3.1.1.img (or 2020XXXX_alkovi-mazizone.dmg)
  2. SD card to RPi3+, boot and wait for ssid: mazizone
  3. Setup (Set location: lat, lon 60.187174, 24.953562) and change password
  4. Expand Storage > Reboot
  5. Browser to local.mazizone.eu:4567/admin > Disable unused apps
  6. Set USB1 wifi dongle (panda06) for “Internet connection” and set “Internet Network Mode” to “online”
  7. ssh pi@ Change password using raspi-config and sudo apt update > sudo apt full-upgrade and reboot
  8. Setup DS3231 clock for stability. Sudo apt-get install i2c-tools, set locale using raspi-config and configure module using ssh. Guidelines for battery setup (in short supply it 3,3v).
  9. Applications > WordPress > Set up WP (don’t mess with the URL settings in WP)
  10. Change WIFI ssid: Alkovi (no password) and reconnect
  11. Change Portal Domain “in-various-stages-of-ruins.eu”
  12. Assign WordPress as “homepage” and set bigger upload file-size via Admin > Settings > Apache max file size: 500M
  13. Don’t change WordPress url (Test if changing step 8 order would help in clean urls for wp. Edit: no effect, see: Changing domain for wordpress not possible.)
  14. Update WordPress and themes, make them pretty (one page for sound, one page for info) and upload Trans-Siberian railway sound collection.
  15. Setup cron for daily reboot cycle:  sudo nano /etc/cron.d/alkovirebootcycle > 15 2 * * * root /sbin/shutdown -r now
  16. Add > dtoverlay=pi3-act-led,gpio=19 to /boot/config.txt to allow sd-card activity to be shown on an external red-led (protected with 470Ω resistor for good measure).
  17. Make duplicate of the SD card as backup.
  18. Test everything, break everything and re-do everything.

Later: External shutdown button (python?), how can I get it to “sms report home” (will old Huawei E1550 I’ve stashed work out of the box or should I configure it somehow?). experiment with PiFmRds(?) and enjoy.

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