The Evening of Artificial Spring Water Tasting at the Finnish-British Society r.y. turned out great. Tuukka Asplund was a welcoming host and the audience of the event open to encountering taste.  People shared their drinking water related memories and tasting histories. We explored in-house waters which were collected from two different tap of the building. To my surprise people experienced the kitchen tap to be more refreshing then the toilet tap water. As I learned from Tea during a previous performance, the toilet tap usually supplies fresher water then the kitchen tap. This is due to the frequent flushing, which constantly clean the pipes. Moving water is fresh – We gotta keep moving. The evening folded into a comfortable seminar, a chamber presentation of sorts. I ended up detailing my activities at the Kurängen Spring (I had brought with two of the carbonization / mineral extraction tool displays built  last month) and opening the waterworks relationship to land-art conservation, which is a topic I’ve not yet explored publicly.

Joined Outi’s blessing ceremony today. The priest conducting the blessing asked us to foster “good speech” as an opposition to “hate speech”. The ceremony was held in a church, from where we were led to restaurant Kosmos by the Bad Ass Brass Band. It felt great to dance in their trail. It was raining and we formed a bicycle bock of the parade with other wheeled friends. A fitting rite to commemorate Outi’ life and legacy. I will keep the mourning flag at the Ore.e Ref. site for a week still.

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