I’m giving up on samplers. During the past two months I’ve traded both my favorite samplers for analogue sound devices. I think this reflects a change in my understanding of sound. There are no samples, there is only sound (and sometimes sound refers to sound or invokes itself). Sounds cannot be “played back”, they can only be performed. Recordings and amplification of recordings, play with our perception of distance (scale) from the source, it is spacial (not temporal).
Newsfeeds are filling up with stories of people whose low performance in schools or work is eventually revealed to be a result of a rare form of learning disability. These stories seldom approach performance concerns from a structural (infrastructural) angle: We have build and operate in biased designs, which benefit able-bodied besserwissers. Dyslexia is natures gift to people combating top down design.
Past: Fear of failing at work. Present: Fear of failing a work. #☭
Every moment of a relationship, which is not couples council – Is the relationship.